In light of the recent riots which took over parts of Gauteng and Kwa-Zulu Natal, many individuals and business owners have been on the search for some light at the end of the tunnel.
SASRIA SOC LTD, (“SASRIA”), provides risk insurance to individuals, businesses and the government against civil unrest, riots, strikes, and terrorism.
SASRIA offers various types of cover to cater for the needs of individuals or businesses. For example:
Material damage cover will cover your assets against loss or damage to household and commercial property.
Goods in transit cover protects goods in transit in South Africa irrespective of the mode of transport used.
The Business Interruption cover protects loss suffered by businesses and the motor cover covers vehicles against damage as a result of strikes or riots.
Should you have SASRIA cover and wish to make a claim, the online claims portal is to be utilized within 30 days of the incident occurring.
In order for SASRIA to process a claim:
Your claim must be submitted in writing within 30 days and you will be required to provide your insurance documentation, including the estimated value of the damages suffered.
Thereafter, the claim will be assessed by an assessor, loss adjuster and/or a salvage assessor for property and/or vehicle loss.
Any repairs would need to be authorised and approved by SASRIA who will then issue a clearance certificate and enter into an agreement of loss with the insured.
Lastly, the insured will submit the assessors report, agreement of loss and any other supporting documentation for payment of the authorized amount.
Should you require assistance with lodging a claim for loss or damages suffered, please contact our offices on 011 646 8411 or via email.
-Mayuri Maharajh