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In terms of the Municipal Property Rates Act 6 of 2004, property rates are calculated on the value of the land and of any improvements or buildings.


A valuation roll is valid for four years.


A property owner’s rates will, therefore, be calculated on the same value for the four-year period, unless changes have been made that may affect the property's value. A municipality may also decide to produce general valuation rolls more frequently.


City of Johannesburg announced that the new valuation roll will be effective from 1 July 2018 until 30 June 2022. Property owners can view the roll on, alternatively you can search for your property’s valuation on,                 from 20 February 2018 until 6 April 2018.


Property owners may lodge an objection against any of the entries.


Ratepayers can handover their objections to valuation staff at any one of the 12 identified venues citywide. The valuation review will start immediately after the objection period ends and will be done by the municipal valuer.


Furthermore, City of Johannesburg is by legislation compelled to send out Section 49 Notices, together with an extract pertaining to the specific owner’s property via ordinary mail to all property owners. Section 49 notices invites the owners to inspect the Valuation Roll and object to the entry in the roll where the owner disagrees with the entry or against an omission.


If a property owner wants to object an entry to the Valuation Roll, the following process must be follows:

  1. The property owner must within the inspection period (between 20 February 2018 and 6 April 2018) lodge an objection against any of the entries that appears in the Valuation Roll, provide reasons for the objection, along with evidence to support the objection.

  2. After the end of the inspection period, the Municipal Manager must submit all objections to the Municipal Valuer;

  3. The objections received by the public are checked, captured on the City's system and objection numbers are automatically allocated.

  4. A confirmation letter will then be produced and will serve as proof that the objector submitted an objection against a specific entry.

  5. The municipal valuer must consider the objections and make a decision in terms of Section 51 and adjust the Valuation Roll. The number of objections and its complexity will determine the time frames;

  6. The Municipal Valuer must in writing, inform the objector what the Valuers' decision is and whether Section 52 applies (change by more than 10%);

  7. The objector and owner will be notified of the Municipal Valuers' decision.

  8. The objector may apply in writing for written reasons of the Municipal Valuer’s decision.

  9. Written reasons must be applied for within 30 days after the date of the notification at a fee as proclaimed in the Local Government Gazette, such fee must be paid in advance.

  10. The Municipal Valuer must provide written reasons within 30 days of application.

  11. If the client is still not happy, an appeal must be lodged within 21 days of receiving the reasons.


Will the municipality accept an estate agent’s evaluation as the true value of the property?


No. According to City of Johannesburg, the date of valuation refers to the date at which property values are determined and is fixed for the purpose and duration of the General Valuation Roll. Estate agents determine the current value of a property which might differ significantly from the market conditions as at date of the general valuation. However, an estate agent’s valuation can be used as supporting evidence as to why the property owner is objecting to the property valuation as stated on the Valuation Roll.

It is also important to note that no late objections will be accepted by City of Johannesburg. View your valuation immediately and get in contact with your estate agent to assist you with determining the value of your property in order to make an informed decision about objecting to City of Johannesburg’s valuation.


Office:  +27 (0)11 646 8411

70A Oxford Road, Riviera, Johannesburg

PO Box 87249, Houghton, 2041

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